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  • Writer's pictureJohannah Comer

My Favorite 3 Photos Taken This School Year

Updated: May 27, 2021

Out of all the photos we took this year, these are my favorite!

High Shutter Speed - May 2021

This picture was one of the pictures for our High Shutter Speed project this year.

I had my sister put flour in her hands and then clap her hands.

I liked this picture because you can see the flour and I think it looks cool.

Something I would do better is have her put more flour in her hands so it makes a bigger cloud.

Forced Perspective - April 2021

This picture is from the Forced Perspective Project that we did.

I put my shoe on a box and then put the stuffed animal behind it. I laid on the ground to get a good angle.

I like this picture because it looks like the stuffed animal is in my shoe!

Something I would do differently would be to take the photo in a different spot, that isn't as dirty.

Double Exposure: Person in Water - May 2021

This picture is from the Double Exposure: Person in Water assignment.

To make this picture I had to take two separate photos. One of the photos was the glass of water and the other was my dad on his dirt bike. I had to use an editing app called Snapseed to put the two together.

I like this picture because it looks like my dad is in the glass. Also It was a fun photo to make!

If I was to do something different, I would make the photo of my dad darker, so you can see it better.

This picture was taken by Lauren Fong.

This was taken in the morning at Newport Beach.

I chose this picture because when I look at it, it is calming.

The picture is also very gorgeous and the jetty looks cool.

I really like the colors of the sky and the water.

This photo was taken by Megan Bermudo.

This was taken at Balboa Pier in Newport.

I chose this picture because I really like how you can see the sun reflecting off the water.

Also, the colors are very pretty.

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